Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Harvest 2013!

Is it just me, or am I posting the first Sunday harvest post 2 months earlier than last year?

Oh yeah, I am. Booyah!

So I planted some lettuce seeds at the end of last season and they didn't really do much. Then spring came and they shot up to welcome the warmer weather and sunshine like the rest of us. We've gotten about 6 good salads worth of 2 kinds of lettuce and arugula. So cool. And I like it, in case those of you who know my aversion to lettuce are wondering. I've been making this really delicious Caesar dressing which helps too. 

Quick Caesar Dressing
(Recipe for some now and some later)
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup mayo
1 tbs lemon juice
5 dashes worchestershire sauce
Fresh ground pepper and ceyenne pepper to taste
Lots of Parmesan cheese

Put it all in a jar and shake well. Use as needed. Yum!

The other thing we've been eating like crazy is snow peas. So good right off the plant or stir fried with other vegetables and oyster sauce and garlic.

On a slightly more annoying note, we've been having slug and aphid issues. Or at least we think that's what's been eating our plants. This is putting a damper on the peppers, eggplant, and strawberries. And my patience for being inclusive of all living things in and around my garden.

But I'm still happy that my diet now consistently includes something I've grown in my yard.

How are your harvests?

This is just a fraction of what we've picked this week.

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