Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Freezin' Greens

My garden is off to a rockin' start this year. We harvested a bunch of our own chicken crap compost and got stuff into the ground in April. The hoop house is keeping the tomato plants warm, and everything is coming up nicely and growing really well.

One of this best things we've got is the spinach. It's doing so great, we actually can't keep up with it. I harvested some last week, but the perfect spring weather and sprinkles of rain have made it get a bit out of control. So I spent an hour today picking and prepping it for the freezer.

Here is the patch before:

And after (enough to get more next week, I'm sure):

This is how much I got. This is a big bowl.

I took about two thirds of it and ripped it into smaller pieces after rinsing it really well and stuffed it into a one gallon Ziploc bag and sucked most of the air out. I always put a handful of spinach in pasta sauce, soups, and a lot of other things for the extra bit of nutrients so this bag will be handy for that.

The rest of it I food processed with about a 1/4 cup of water and put them in ice cube trays. Once frozen, I'll pop them out of the trays and keep them in another container so they don't get freezer burned. These will be good for smoothies and... baby food! Our little monster is going to be starting solid foods in a few months, and what's better than fresh food from the garden? We'll probably mix these with some sweet potato or something for some delicious, cheap veggies for Eddy. 

Both Shawn and are excited for the whole fresh food prepping that we'll do for baby once she starts eating real food. None of that yucky tasteless Gerber stuff for our little one! Food is a big deal for us so we want to expose her to lots of different foods from the get-go so that she can have her life enhanced by all the flavors the world has to offer.

Garden 2014 is looking like it might be pretty awesome!

Friday, May 23, 2014

We Have Tenants!

Remember the birdhouse Shawn built last year? Well we've been waiting with baited breath ever since we put it up and our patience has finally been rewarded!


We've been watching them for a few weeks now as they fly from the house to our feeder to the cherry blossom tree across the street as they bring beak after beak full of super comfy looking moss.

They've been very busy. This video is from a few weeks ago.

It's so exciting because being so close to our living room window, we will have front row seats to the whole process. We saw a major decrease in activity for a while and thought maybe they had abandoned it, but have seen them a lot on the last couple days. My guess is that they've been tending to the eggs and now they are starting to hatch. I can't wait to see the babies. I'll keep you all posted!

Our bat box still seems empty since we aren't finding any guano. But Shawn has heard them flying around our house at dusk...
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